1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
I'm not doing mentorship at a place per se. When I do mentorship, my mentor and I meet somewhere and he gives me assignments and lectures me. We also meet at music venues and I help set up his equipment before he performs.
2. Who is your contact?
Runson Willis
3. How many hours have you done during the school year?
4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
Before my mentor performs, I will make sure that his guitar is in tune, his effects pedals are set up correctly, his amplifier is not faulty, and that there's nothing odd about the set up. When he gives me assignments, we go to record stores and he tells me to listen to certain albums to study the texture , lyrics and composition of the song and how they compare or contrast with another album. For instance, he tells me to study the "call and respond" technique, that is used heavily with blues artists, and tells me to write a paragraph on what I think of it.
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